Like so many others satisfied viewers across the globe, I was absolutely thrilled with Polly Walker in the 1998 film Dark Harbor. She's a marvelous performer and she certainly had the requisite chops to act alongside the great Alan Rickman. Above and beyond that, however, was her stunning physical beauty. She is so attractive in this movie that I would dare nominate her (if I may be so bold) as the best-looking British actress of the 1990s. Even if I change my mind on this at a later date, being nominated is certainly quite an honor!
Dark Harbor is a great little thriller with some magnificent twists and turns. With an oblique sense of purpose and a dark atmosphere, plus fine performances from the trio of stars (Rickman, Walker and Norman Reedus), the film is well worth watching for a variety of reasons. However, even it was a terrible movie, you'd still have Polly Walker being gorgeous and that's all you really need!