Meg Foster visits Hawaii...Twice!

Meg Foster made two memorable guest appearances on the long-running TV series Hawaii Five-O, first in 1973 and then again in 1976. Of course, Meg Foster guest starred on a lot of shows between 1970 and 1977, but her pair of Hawaii Five-O appearances really were quite nice.

The Child Stealers

Meg Foster's first featured role on Hawaii Five-O was in an episode titled 'The Child Stealers' in which she portrayed a young woman named Nina. Nina is in an unhealthy relationship with a guy named Gar (played by Richard Hatch) and they make money by stealing babies in Hawaii and then flying to California and selling them to a shady adoption agency. It doesn't take long for the Five-O team to bring an end to this illegal activity.

Double Exposure

Meg Foster appeared on Hawaii Five-O for a second time in 1976. Whereas previously she had portrayed a poor hippie girl in an earlier episode of the show, in her return appearance she plays a famous actress named Anne Waring who is doing some photography in Hawaii. Meg Foster gets slightly less screen time in this episode but she nonetheless plays a crucial role. She accidentally takes a photograph of a mobster and then is systematically hunted down in an attempt by the mobsters to regain the film. Since Anne Waring has befriended Five-O team member Dan Williams (played by James MacArthur), her chances of survival are very good!